Sunday, November 16, 2008


Its interesting. Wine and water. Let me take you back to the beginning- the oath.
Wine symbolizing the abstinence of the women and water symbolizing sex.
After thinking about it, it goes deeper. Wine-capable of causing one to become drunk, just as
a woman is capable of causing a man to become "drunk" with passion. Wine can also have a drawn out, laborious creation, just as it took real labor to muster up the determination to go through with the oath. Water- like sex- is capable of corrupting or diluting the wine. Its also quite common, yet quenches a type of biological thirst for a completely natural urge

1 comment:

~Mz.Kiany~ said...

I love the way you interpreted the wine and the water, because those are great figurative explanations of them, your explanations are perfect to the T. However, I actually took it from a more "literal" or sexual as you can call it...for my interpretation. I foun dit as referign to the wine of the women being their blodd or as disgusting as it may sound, their "cycle" and the water symbolizing the men and their "discharge" during intecourse..... As in, the women to not want their "privates" contaminated by the men's discharge...Does this make sense to you?